2014-Jayco-Octane-ZX-T24Z for sale in Mashburn's RV Center, Jonesboro, Arkansas

Winterizing Help

PLEASE NOTE: Winterizing your unit when you do not know what you are doing can be extremely costly!! Mashburn’s RV Center has a low rate of *$60.00 plus tax to winterize professionally. Remember that if you choose to use the information provided Mashburn’s RV is NOT responsible for any injuries, damage, or problems that may occur. It is always best to allow a professional to winterize your unit (*must have by-pass kit installed).

Winterizing your unit.

*Read Your owners manual for directions on winterizing your RV.

*Waste tanks must be dumped at state approved locations.


Method 1
Compressed Air

  1. Purchase 1-2 gallons of RV non-toxic anti-freeze.
  2. Drain the fresh water tank and empty the waste water holding tanks*
  3. Turn water heater by-pass valve to by-pass position.
  4. Drain water heater & leave plug out.
  5. If installed, remove water filter from assembly and discard. Install diverter if included.
  6. Open all faucets including outside shower, showerhead, sprayer, toilet flushing device and any other water lines that are closed.
  7. Turn on the water pump for 30 seconds to clear out any water in the lines.
  8. Connect an air hose with an adapter to the city water fill connection.
  9. Set pressure no greater than 30 pounds and blow out the water lines until no water can be seen coming out of the fixtures and lines.
  10. Pour RV anti-freeze into drains, p-traps, toilets, and tanks.

Method 2
RV Antifreeze

  1. Purchase 1-4 gallons of RV approved, non-toxic anti-freeze.
  2. Drain all tanks: fresh water and sewage tanks.*
  3. Turn water heater by-pass valve to by-pass position.
  4. Drain water heater & leave plug out.
  5. If installed, remove water filter from assembly and discard. Install diverter if included.
  6. Turn on pump switch an open cold water side of all faucet fixtures (Including outside shower). Leave open until the anti-freeze comes out. Repeat hot water side.
  7. Flush toilet until anti-freeze begins to flow into the bowl and then pour antifreeze down the toilet to winterize the black tank.
  8. Pour anti-freeze down each shower/tub, lavatory sink, and kitchen sink to fill p-traps & winterize grey tank(s) ~2 cups.

Winter Storage

  1. Use protective caps of cut up tennis balls, Styrofoam balls or similar material to prevent tarp damage from abrasion on sharp edges.
  2. Some appliances draw electricity even when turned "off". When storing your RV, unplug ALL appliances and disconnect the battery.
  3. Check condition of your roof vents. Normal roof vent is shin if the plastic is doll looking or pitted; consider replacing them before storing for the winter or install vent mate covers.


Mashburn’s RV Center, Inc.